In thesraeli viewers comment, “The heart fills with pride every time when we see an Israeli woman do a heroic act and save people.”
Jerusalem Post columnist Herb Keinon wrote about “The wonder of Israelis watching Wonder Woman. …
‘The collective chest of those in the audience seemed to puff up as we all watched an Israeli woman – who in real life is very proud and open about here Israeliness …
“No shades of gray in this storyline, it was black and white … . It was the good against the bad. And Gadot – and through her, all the Israelis in the theater – were clearly, unmistakably on the side of the good.”
This symbolizes how the small, relative to the big world, people of Israel must bring Light to all of humanity. Is there a deeper meaning in the fact that it’s now the Israeli woman who saves the world, at least in the movie?
Answer: The problem is that this is only in the movie. After all, we, the people of Israel, really must be the Light for the nations of the world and save humanity from the deep hole we are sitting in now, from our egoism that is killing us. Unfortunately, we are setting a bad example to the whole of mankind of how to use our egoism skillfully in order to succeed more, to win, and to surpass everybody.
It is no accident that humanity hates us, because instead of being the Light for the nations of the world, we became darkness for them. Therefore, when we rejoice at the release of such a movie, we should understand that we really must be such superheroes who will show everyone how to achieve a good life.
A good life will come when we rise from our egoistic desire, which keeps us in slavery from birth, to the desire to bestow, to love instead of hatred, to unity instead of separation. We must show the entire world an example of how to do this. And the entire world will learn from us, will accept this method, and will correct the relationships between people, between countries, and between nations.
No tricks can correct the world, the whole world must change, and people must change. How is it possible to save a man if he does not change? So, where is the salvation, in receiving a palace instead of a small house?
The correction is only possible through a person’s inner change, his relationship to others. This is when we’ll turn hell into heaven where there will be love instead of hatred and bestowal instead of reception. In this way we will really come to a kind world. The wisdom of Kabbalah obliges us to fulfill this mission.
But it is pointless to wait for some superhero to come and save us; this won’t happen, this includes the Messiah. After all, the Messiah, Mashiach, is a force that pulls (Moshech) us from our egoism toward bestowal, love, and connection. Thanks to this, we reveal our new sensory organs and begin to see the wider world.
The people of Israel should lead humanity exactly to this by passing the method of correction to them. Until we do this, everyone will hate us. Such beautiful movies won’t help us. I think that it awakens very unpleasant feelings in the other nations.
On the one hand, they subconsciously expect that we will bring salvation to humanity and we aren’t doing this. In addition, we show them movies about superheroes, as if mockingly demonstrating that Israel can bring correction to the world, but for some reason isn’t doing it. So I don’t think this movie will have a positive impact.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/8/17
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/8/17
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