Answer: Man was actually given a mind in order to perceive his desires, to want to correct them, somehow think of how to adapt them to the Creator’s desires, and ask for power from above that is called the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif), which will correct his desires.
Thus, a person asks for his desires to be brought in line with the Creator, to receive the forces that correct these desires, and to begin to ask the Creator to perform the right actions even before he fulfills them. It turns out that a person constantly advances before the Creator.
Question: Can a person control his desires?
Answer: Theoretically, yes.
Question: Can a Kabbalist manage his thoughts?
Answer: A Kabbalist can manage his thoughts to the extent that they are connected to the Creator. This means that he should perpetually raise his desires to adhesion with the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17
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