You should give everything you can to others, and what you can’t give, you grudgingly leave for yourself because your egoism doesn’t allow you to tear away more from yourself. Therefore, the instruction is to give away a tithe, nothing more is required from you. But it is a tough condition.
A tithe is a tenth part of the net earned product that you have to pick out and instead of using it yourself, you give it for the use of others through the Temple. Through the Temple means for full bestowal that has no relation to you. This means giving to the Creator. You give unselfishly, without gaining any benefit for yourself, because this is for the Creator.
Question: Does it mean I don’t even know where it is going?
Answer: This isn’t yours! You give and that’s it. Let’s say, you have 100 sheep, 10 of them you give away, but it isn’t easy, as if you cut something from yourself. It is very difficult for a person.
However, the fact is that this difficulty isn’t even quantitative, but qualitative because you must give constantly despite your egoism. Many people in our world give various donations. A person clearly understand that it is all for him! Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to give because we all are egoists.
However, here the state appears when you understand that you throw away your tithe into vacuum, into an interplanetary emptiness. Therefore, it breaks away with an incredible difficulty.
Comment: Sometimes you say that if a person doesn’t give away this ten percent, they won’t do him any good anyway.
Answer: Everything in our world happens in this way: If you don’t voluntarily give something that you need to give away, it is taken from you forcibly. After all, the world nevertheless must exist, and it exists according to the laws in which the principle of giving away the tithe is observed. Although we don’t see and don’t know it, it is taken away from us. At that we suffer, we don’t want, we are not ready to give, but we see that we lose.
And all this instead of the opposite, to receive while giving.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/9/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/9/16
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