Answer: We all are egoists, but each has a point in the heart, and we want to connect them into one big point. This is our aspiration to the Creator.
At that, our egoism remains below, and our aspirations to the Creator are above.
If we rise above our egoism to a certain level, then there the spiritual potential called a Kli (Vessel) is revealed; that is, the tension between the aspiration to the Creator upward, and the aspiration to ourselves downward.
We form our Kli depending on this potential. However, the question arises whether this Kli is enough to reveal the Creator in.
Question: Does it mean that the bigger the rejection is, the greater the potential? That is, by and large, it tears me apart.
Answer: Not only you, but the entire group. If you are in the ten, then there should be ten such states. Then the Creator will be revealed in them. The main thing is the common point (red color in the drawing), the Creator. We constantly need to hold on to it.
Question: So, is the potential much more vivid for those who come to the congress without desire, with great doubts, but then overcome them?
Answer: Of course. Therefore, we need all people: with different potentials, with different desires; the main thing is that they can join our common flow.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/19/17
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/19/17
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