Answer: Yes, it is more typical of men. It is much harder for women to become friends. They can unite among themselves only in order to help the men. This is their purpose and this is how they should behave.
It is practically impossible for one woman to be a true friend of another woman. Yet, to achieve the upper goal, to help the men and to connect with the Creator, they can unite with each other because they have a specific goal that isn’t between them, but above them.
Question: Who is more egoistic, men or women?
Answer: They have different type of egoism. Therefore, I can’t say who is more egoistic. It is easier for men to be connected with each other, and for women it is easier to be directed to the goal.
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 11/12/16
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 11/12/16
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