My Response: It is quite possible. The fact is that the young man that is now in power in North Korea never was at war and didn’t serve in the army, yet he is a commander-in-chief. So what can be done?
Comment: Nevertheless, they managed to stay independent and still remain in their communist miracle.
My Response: On the one hand, they lead a meager life, but on the other hand, they have a certain internal fulfillment in comparison to the rest of today’s world.
Comment: In principle, North Korea is characterized by purely communistic aspiration to equality, to the fact that everyone is working.
My Response: Such equality connects people, gives them inner fulfillment. If the next regime doesn’t supply this, then, of course, they won’t have this fulfillment. Freedom devastates a person.
It would be good to add Kabbalistic principles to what they are trying to build. The Kabbalistic principle is an equal distribution of the gross domestic product and practically no army, meaning just enough to protect the country, but not to be aggressive. Then, ten percent of the funds they spend on the army will be enough for them and they could become a beautiful developing country.
The fact is that the North Korean leader needs to remain in power, and so he acts this way.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/13/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/13/17
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