Answer: I can say only one thing: He is the centrist, for both, the left and the right voted for him, liberals and Democrats, conservatives and Republicans, just to not let Le Pen win, because she was actually feared.
It should be remembered that 10 to 15% of the French population is comprised of immigrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries. All of them repelled Le Pen.
The thing is, that the people that brought Macron to power, united to let him win. But uniting to govern the country, this they will not be able to do.
To raise above yourself despite the opposite views so that the left and the right lines would merge into the middle line, above the differences, that is what they will not be able to do; they are not Kabbalists. And that is why everything is doomed to a slow, ever deepening collapse.
Question: So they will start tearing Macron apart?
Answer: Yes. He will start yielding to some, then to others, and as a result, France will become weaker and weaker. Eventually it will be ruled, as Le Pen said, by a woman. That is, probably, how it will happen.
Question: So, you believe, that the left and the right will not be able to unite around Macron?
Answer: They don’t have the system of uniting opposites where each, retaining their individuality, raises above it, and connects with others, opposite themselves.
In our world, this condition does not really exist. We have to teach people how to do it. Therefore, we currently observe a division of the public in half in all the countries prior to elections. The result of the elections is a marginal advantage of one side or the other.
This all leads to an overwhelming polarization of humanity in the world, and people will be forced to find ways of peaceful coexistence. Otherwise, it will result in war.
Question: So you are hinting that, actually, the science of Kabbalah will be needed to bring the opposites together?
Answer: Undoubtedly! Either before or after war.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/11/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/11/17
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