Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel will hear of it and fear.
“A glutton and a drunkard” is a desire that like a cancerous cell absorbs into itself the Light of Hochma and the Light of Hassadim respectively. Naturally, this kind of desire needs to be killed.
Question: What is meant by “and all Israel will hear of it and fear”?
Answer: Spiritual correction has to be carried out in a general environment and have an impact on the entire nation, on all the souls. It has to be realized in such a way as to ultimately correct the entire system of connection between people or between the souls.
A person brings into the entire system such stress under which it impulsively goes into a different mode. In this way a cancerous part gets rid of its stupid intention and once again begins growth. Naturally, nothing is lost from the collective soul.
Question: It would be interesting to see what would happen if the doctors who are trying to uncover the mysteries of cancer became Kabbalists?
Answer: They would still be unable to do anything. Of course, they discover that this disease is related to the violation of the internal program of a cell whereby it begins to devour itself or the surrounding cells and by this loses its ability to exist. Because ultimately, it begins to divide independently, not taking into account the surrounding space, and dies along with the entire organism.
In principle, it is clear that this is an egoistic mechanism that crosses all boundaries. It doesn’t have self-control, which speaks to the fact that it destroys itself.
For example, living in a village, I cannot burn down all the fields around me. What am I going to do afterwards? What am I going to eat? But this is exactly how an irrational cancerous cell behaves because egoism becomes its master. In this way, it destroys everything around it and then dies itself. The principle of a cancerous cell is: You die today, and I tomorrow.
The thing is that the entire system must be treated together, as a whole. This is why every several centuries, this type of medicine comes into fashion again. But I don’t see that it would ultimately win because a holistic method of medical treatment will enter the mainstream only together with Kabbalah. For now we remain within the framework of ordinary medicine.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book,” 09/26/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book,” 09/26/16
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