New Life #722 – The Children Of Israel In The Desert
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Hare
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Hare
The “desert” is a state in which a person feels that he cannot use his former egoism, that has no nourishment. In the physical world, a person has a livelihood, a family, work; everything is okay, but inside he feels that his life is “dry” like a desert. The feeling of dryness brings a person to ask about the purpose of the whole “story.”
Nature is very wise; it creates every detail with a wonderful understanding. But the purpose for which everything exists is hidden.
In the desert, a person lives from a connection with the desire to bestow, with Divinity, so the concept of the “children of Israel in the desert” speaks about correction, about rising above the ego, about the level of Hafetz Hesed (delighting in mercy). The “desert” is a state in which we learn to go on without a reward and without egoistic benefits, but with the higher power of love. The “pillar of fire” and the “pillar of cloud” illuminate the way for a person and direct him toward that upper force in states of night and day, darkness and light. In the desert, a person neutralizes the ego, and when he reaches the land of Israel he has already harnessed the ego to bestowal and love.
The “forty years in the desert” symbolize the inner changes through which the children of Israel pass in the desert. Throughout this period they are actually complaining all the time because the desire to receive is first revealed and only after that is the correction revealed. The complaints are basically the elevation of MAN, a request for the correction of the Kelim (vessels). When the Kelim are corrected, this is a “miracle.” A miracle is the discovery of a new phenomenon, an action that happens not in our original natural egoistic way.
From KabTV’s “New Life #722 – The Children Of Israel In The Desert,” 4/26/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #722 – The Children Of Israel In The Desert,” 4/26/16
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