Answer: All the afflictions we undergo do make us stronger, invigorate us, raise us, and move us forward. This is a precise Kabbalistic principle! I am very glad that people are finally coming to the correct conclusion. Now the question is how can we use this feature in a realistic, meaningful, and productive manner.
When I encounter a series of problems I should know how to benefit from it, just like in the Eastern martial arts where you use the force, energy, and weight of the opponent in order to overpower him. We have to learn how to do that in everything we encounter in life.
A person should actually take advantage of the negative situations in order to rise above them. If you want to get rid of a negative impact, you should ascend above it correctly, and then you begin to realize that this is a clear Biblical principle: The evil that you encounter is help against, which means that the evil was sent to you and you use it as help. Thus a person can ascend in spirituality because he can use all the negative experiences he has in life in a positive manner. This is how we quickly ascend above ourselves.
Question: Can we apply this to our careers or to our relations with relatives and family?
Answer: Yes, with all negative experiences! This means that I actually ascend everyday above everything that happens to me in life, above tens or hundreds of feelings, negative experiences, and blows,
Question: What does it mean to ascend above them?
Answer: To ascend to the Creator who is the source of everything we experience. He is calling me to ascend above them and to get closer to Him by sending me all the negative experience, and thus I reveal Him.
Question: Does this mean that the Creator is actually found in the negative experiences?
Answer: Yes. His thought is in these blows, and if I solve them and use them correctly, I discover Him. It is a very simple rule, ascend!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/20/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/20/16
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