Answer: A capitalist regime has no soul. There is nothing in it for the soul while during the Soviet regime, there was a soul since they created an atmosphere and conditions under which people felt friendly relationships between them, not necessarily because they chose to.
Question: Many chose the answer in the referendum: “Living in those times was more interesting and hearty,” and it turns out that this is more important to people than money.
Answer: Of course, although they all wanted to break through the iron curtain and experience life in the west, if the Soviet regime had allowed people to exit freely, they would have found out that more people would enter the country than leave it and that there was no reason to worry.
Question: Do you believe that there was some influence of the spiritual Light on the Soviet society?
Answer: People couldn’t develop any other way, so they developed in this direction. It is the same when it comes to ballet dancing, which actually became more outstanding in Russia than anywhere else in the world thanks to this influence, but today it is meaningless.
But it is impossible to return to the past now, and there is also no reason to regret that. We must see things realistically. It is impossible to dip into the same water twice that is flowing in a river, and it is impossible to rebuild what belongs to the past because humanity has changed.
We should realize that, back then, people had a craving for spiritual fellowship, even in the kitchen with a piece of salted fish, potatoes, and a guitar. This brought people together and gave them a feeling of community and being human.
At the same time, we also were aimed against something, and that is also very important. If we could aim against our egoism today so that we could realize what we can attain and reveal by its correction, it would be a great achievement, of course.
We can build a new society based on people’s attraction to this lifestyle. We should think only of how to offer humanity the idea of creating such a society that could exist and be built on more sublime spiritual principles, which is indeed a state that would satisfy people on all levels. Everyone has this dream, and what is more, as time goes by, more than half of the world’s population has joined this idea.
Question: Does this mean that you are talking about creating a kind of a kitchen where people will sit and think about how to overcome their egoism?
Answer: We must integrate musical instruments, songs, and a heartfelt attitude toward our general unity in the same discussion circles and workshops that we are trying to establish. Later, we will need to ascend from those circles and develop to our next levels.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/14/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/14/16
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