Answer: The nations of the world specifically need it. The people of Israel are that small fraction of the nations of the world who received the wisdom of Kabbalah in their past. So, today we must restore it in us, realize it again, and disseminate it to the whole world. That is why the people of Israel exist.
Question: If so, why should we reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah to the nations of the world now since the people of Israel have not yet realized it again themselves?
Answer: It is because the time has come. The entire process is happening simultaneously. That is also how it was at the time of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. The Egyptians needed to know what was happening with the people of Israel who were among them. The entire process is being realized precisely according to plan and according to the spiritual laws that don’t depend on us but are found within the nature of our existence, our ego.
Humanity must gather together into a single system, a single soul; that is what humanity must attain. After that, humanity will ascend through the spiritual levels to an eternal and infinite state.
Comment: You have chosen work that is not easy.
Response: I haven’t chosen anything, this is the mission that was imposed upon me from above and I must carry it out. In a sense, it is possible to say that I am a servant. But when I see the need for what must be done, I do it and nothing else.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/31/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/31/16
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