This is a temple in the heart of a person.
A temple isn’t some kind of building in Jerusalem or anywhere else in Israel where people rush to kiss its stones and the wall, as it is today.
The only time my great teacher Rabbi Baruch Ashlag and I were in Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall, he went to it no closer than two meters, looked, and calmly, without stopping, turned back.
Not feeling any holiness in these stones, he didn’t even come close to them, and I clearly saw a complete detachment from this place in his behavior. However, a common person is drawn to this, he needs such a toy, as a baby feels comfortable only when he holds a familiar rattle in his hands, so does he.
It is necessary to educate people so that each will feel that he is related to our common temple—the unity of the hearts. The common temple is the soul.
The Torah speaks only about the construction of the temple in our hearts and from our hearts.
The place is a desire. A desire in Kabbalah is called “the place,” because only in the corrected desire that is in the right place is it possible to receive the Upper Light, the revelation of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/30/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/30/16
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