New Life #780 – The Study of Torah Is Not What You Thought
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What do we imagine the Torah is beyond historical events, how does it spread before us a deeper and wider reality than the one with which we are familiar, and how does it develop the person who studies it?
The study of Torah is not what is customary in our day and not how we understand it. The Torah is the program of the world. Studying Torah is learning about the world, how it is built and is managed according to a program of development. True study of Torah is not just study; rather, it changes a person and raises him to the summit of reality.
The main points:
The main points:
- The study of the whole of nature, which is also called Elohim, shows how we can climb toward the highest level.
- Within himself, a person can develop a system that is called a soul, which will be like the entire system of nature.
- The texts that were written in the sacred books were written in codes that must be deciphered. To crack the codes, a person must change himself. He must change his mind and feelings.
- The more a person expands his love for others, the greater the depth he will discover in the Torah. Love of others develops a sense in a person that makes it possible for him to go out of himself and absorb the true reality. A person begins to acquire divine intelligence and feeling, and is connected with eternity and the wholeness of nature.
- To be connected to the power of the Torah requires a teacher who is a Kabbalist and special work within a study group.
- The Torah is the Light that surrounds us. We must study how to place ourselves before it, like sunbathing.
- “And meditate on it day and night” (Joshua 1:8) means that a person must constantly search for how to advance toward love of others.
- I read a book within a group and hope to receive the force of connection and love, which is how the Torah becomes opened for us.
From KabTV’s “New Life #780 – Jewish Culture: The Study of Torah Is Not What You Thought,” 10/20/16
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