New Life #485 – A Wisdom That Guarantees Success In Life
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Question: Only two groups of people are interested in the Creator: religious people or great scientists: naturalists, people like Einstein, who try to know if there is an upper force and want to find it. But as for the rest, the Creator doesn’t interest them at all. How does He affect an ordinary person’s daily life?
Answer: This question has nothing to do with whether a person is religious or not. A person lives and goes through different phases of development along with all of humanity. If he discovers and knows the laws according to which he and humanity evolves, he will be able to lead his life in a better way.
By knowing what awaits him in a day or two, where everything is going and advancing, he will be able to manage better. Suppose you want to know what profession is better for your son? Everything will be clear: how to study, what to study, what is better to buy. You will know everything in advance because you will discover the general plan according to which you develop, and you will flow with it.
Therefore the revelation of the Creator is necessary for each person. We experience so many disappointments and failures today because we act blindly. All of humanity—with all the advanced technology we have, with the sufferings we have undergone, and the great bitter experience we have accumulated—acts blindly because it doesn’t know nature’s plan.
No one is asking us to bow to the upper force like in religion. We have to discover it and get to know it in order to ease our lives and to prepare our children for a better life. Otherwise, life will become increasingly worse from one generation to the next.
There is no doubt that our children’s lives will be worse than ours. Fifty or sixty years ago we thought that life would only get better with time, that humanity would reach new discoveries and achievements, that there would be no more wars, and that the world would be a wonderful place. Suddenly we see that it is exactly the opposite.
Attaining the Creator is attaining nature, attaining the general plan. It opens our eyes and allows us to see what kind of world we are actually living in, who manages it, and the network we are in. All this helps us become more successful, which is what is needed by humanity today because it is suffering.
We feel that we are increasingly more interconnected by global ties, and we don’t know how to break free. The EU now wants to break apart after all the unsuccessful attempts to unite, but the countries involved will be badly affected by this. And all this is because they don’t know how to unite correctly so that everyone will feel good.
The plan of how to connect to the good is called the wisdom of Kabbalah. I advise everyone to study it.Everyone wants to succeed in life and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to do so. And it will be a complete success, not harming anyone, not like today, when we are successful at the expense of the failure of everyone else.
The Chosen People are the people who have the plan of correction, and we must recognize it. What is more, we are the chosen people because we have to draw all of humanity to this plan, and as long as we don’t do it, we will be hated and increasingly greater pressure will be put on us. The global pressure has just begun.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is intended for the most ordinary people and has nothing to do with religion: not with Judaism, Christianity, Islam, any Eastern faith, or any mysticism. It is only about the revelation of the upper force to every man.
Thanks to this revelation, a person will not go wrong in his life. In addition, he will begin to discover the upper dimension and will realize that our life isn’t over when the corporeal body dies. What is the point of an existence that is limited to several decades that is undergone in pain and wars.
The meaning of this life is to rise to the next level during our lifetime. This isn’t a level of the physical world anymore but a new level of consciousness, a new level of feelings. We ascend to another dimension and discover new horizons, a new world.
This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah invites everyone to, and this is what the revelation of the upper force, the attainment of the Creator, the revelation of eternity, and the perfection in nature is about.
From KabTV’s “New Life #485 – A Wisdom That Guarantees Success In Life,” 12/28/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #485 – A Wisdom That Guarantees Success In Life,” 12/28/14
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