New Life #375 – Spiritual Nourishment
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What kind of additional hunger is awakened in us when we sit for a meal together, what is a spiritual meal and nourishment, and how is it possible to host this well so that we will feel connected around the table?
A family meal is the place for connection between members of the family.
In preparing meals we concentrate on recipes. It is worthwhile to add instructions for connection during a meal. Spices add substances to our bodies that a body requires.
If we connect during a meal, we feed each other with spiritual food. Basically, what we eat is not important.
A meal creates a connection, mutual fulfillment of human tastes. It is important to listen to, to understand and to communicate with each other. Create an atmosphere of connection and love. It is necessary to plan how to make everyone happy, how to make a connection, warmth, and an atmosphere of satisfaction. Then besides tasting the food, we taste the spirit between us. This is what will satisfy our souls.
The host must give the guests a sensation that he is not the landowner, that this place is theirs, that he has immense pleasure from their having come to him, that he is here only to serve them, that he has been thinking about them. But also he must pay attention not to make them feel ashamed. How? Dress as a guest and check how he feels.
From KabTV’s “New Life #375 – Spiritual Nourishment,” 5/18/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #375 – Spiritual Nourishment,” 5/18/14
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