37% of the respondents said that the smartphone means as much or more to them as friends. 29% value their smartphones as much as their parents. 21% believe that a smartphone is as important to them as a spouse or partner. 17% of the participants acknowledged that their smartphone is much closer to them than people.
Answer: It is obvious that a smartphone is necessary in daily life more than any other device. It protects us from too close contact with other people, and on the other hand, makes contact possible by compensating for the distance to another person.
It is very difficult for people to communicate directly because the ego keeps them apart from each other. So, with great pleasure, they communicate through the smartphone that contains all of the achievements of computer technology.
It will improve in the future and become so friendly to a person that it will replace every possible household device. A smartphone is also a television, radio, and even a device for telephone conversations. With its help, it will be possible to operate a washing machine or a microwave remotely, reserve lunch and dinner at a restaurant, buy tickets for various events, and so forth.
Question: This is understandable, but the questionnaire mentioned parents, friends, and husbands and wives.
Answer: All of these will exist only within the smartphone.
With it, it is possible to talk with parents, show them yourself and their grandchildren; everything is easy and good. This will lead to wider communication between people, and after that, it will be possible to fill it gradually with other, more meaningful content.
Question: Why do you emphasize the importance of physical encounters among students of Kabbalah? Why not make it possible to have smartphone circles?
Answer: First and foremost, the smartphone makes it possible to come in contact with each other from a distance.
This is to say, first, there is distancing between people, and after that, they will create contact remotely. The ego becomes relaxed because the person is distant from others.
Among the students of the wisdom of Kabbalah, it needn’t be that way. On the contrary, the student must be in close contact with others. This is work with the ego, so smartphones won’t help with this.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/13/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/13/16
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