New Life #730 – The Children Of Israel At The Gathering At Mt. Sinai
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What are the internal forces in a person that are expressed at the gathering at Mt. Sinai? What does the connection of the people before the mountain symbolize and what can we learn from this story about our life today?
The gathering at Mt. Sinai is not a spectacle in the middle of the desert like in a Hollywood movie but the fulfillment of the laws of nature of the eternal Torah. This is a special force hidden in nature, God, the good force that is revealed when a person wants it to be. The good force has created us the opposite from it so that each of us always thinks only about himself.
5,776 years ago one man discovered that there is another force in nature, a positive force that we can draw. Then Abraham came and taught the people of Babylon how to connect so that they could draw the good force. Later the evil force, Pharaoh, grew among his students and reached the phase of slavery in Egypt. Eventually they escaped from the domination of Pharaoh and reached Mt. Sinai, a mountain of hate.
They discovered that they could cope with it only if they revealed the good force. The children of Israel received the Torah at the gathering at Mt. Sinai, which is a whole system that explains how to advance with the positive force. A force called Moses was revealed to them, the common force by which they managed to rise above the hatred and eventually inherit the land of Israel. This whole process of inheriting the land of Israel was described to Abraham during the covenant between the pieces.
Today we have to rediscover this positive force so that we can balance the negative force through it and discover the Creator, because everyday there is the giving of the Torah.
From KabTV’s “New Life #730 – The Children Of Israel At The Gathering At Mt. Sinai,” 6/2/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #730 – The Children Of Israel At The Gathering At Mt. Sinai,” 6/2/16
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