As it turns out, the majority of the subjects had narrow blood vessels, but those who were told stress was a beneficial result of threat, blood vessels relaxed and everything was in order.
The scientists reached an interesting conclusion; if during stressful situations you decide to team up with other people, receive the decision to unite with other people, then you create a solid defense against outer influences.
Answer: Of course, that’s natural.
Comment: At the same time, stress kills a lot of people.
Answer: People die from stress because they don’t know how to use it correctly. After all, even in animals a natural protective reaction to stress is to unite, not to separate. People, on the contrary, retire, go into themselves, keep away from others.
At the same time, things become even more restricted, not only blood vessels, but also the ability to think and to make correct decisions. People withdraw into themselves, close, although it should be just the opposite.
Our problem is that we incorrectly use the initial data. We need to be interconnected with each other. And the more we feel a mutual repulsion between us, the more we need to engage in mutual attraction.
It’s about this attitude to life, that the wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about.
Comment: In the state of stress, a person begins to work more in the “ I. “ He says, “I am suffering, I feel bad.” He looks for a niche to hide in, or he might try to withstand the stress.
Answer: This is from the incorrect organization of the society. We are not prepared for the fact that now raining down on us is stress, depression, problems with our attitude to the world, to life, to itself, to the home, etc.
We run away from the problems, don’t want to raise a family, don’t want to have children, are not interested in friends, in anybody, and sit alone in front of the computer. A person’s constant attention to his smart phone is a measurement of man’s depression. People don’t want to interact with each other.This is a terrible problem.
Question: Are these pressures given to us on purpose so we will begin to connect to others?
Answer: Yes, of course, the issue will come to an end, either in a good way or through a way of suffering. It could bring humanity to a great war or people will understand that they must unite and adapt the wisdom of unity, the wisdom of Kabbalah, because it very quickly becomes evident that all the other means do not help.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/6/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/6/16
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