Answer: Certainly, the husband and wife should try to understand each other, even though this is difficult and very painful. In spite of that, the family should be maintained.
Both men and women have a tendency toward adventure. It is more egoistic to divorce and leave the children without a united family.
A child suffers more than anyone else from the divorce. So it is worthwhile for both to have patience, go to psychological therapy, understand and agree that all of these situations are part of life.
Question: Among students of the wisdom of Kabbalah, are there immoral people like these?
Answer: There are no immoral people; they are simply egoists in need of correction. The wisdom of Kabbalah is involved with this, but it is slow and gradual. Therefore these days a person is given 70-90 years to live so that he can correct himself.
From the Webinar on 2/10/16
From the Webinar on 2/10/16
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