Answer: This isn’t where we are headed. Energy isn’t a problem and we can produce energy from everything. Of course oil will be very cheap and in this respect a bleak future awaits Russia since they will not be able to rely on oil. It is actually Russia that is soft with Iran and I cannot imagine why.
Besides, the shale revolution is coming, technology is advancing and most importantly there is no heavy industry and steel production. Soon ships will be printed out of such materials that do not need smelting and forging.
When I see that the price of oil is dropping, I see progress coupled with the gradual transition of humanity to a totally different level of existence, to a level on which everything will be more virtual. The earth and its resources will not affect our standard of living. Life will be different, more airy, more virtual. It will not be connected to hard work with heavy objects. Houses will be built easily, as if made of children’s building blocks.
This is necessary so that people can understand that what is important is not satisfying our unrestrained needs because if we want to, we will be able to easily provide everything we need.
Therefore, humanity has to grow and to ascend above the current era of consumption which is all about get-get-get, and reach the recognition that it doesn’t need all that.
In fact this is already happening. We see people’s rejection of expensive purchases. Man can overcome his petty egoism. Today a person mainly needs a smart mobile phone in order to communicate with others, but this will also pass.
People don’t want to chase after delicacies, travel around the world, or attain anything. Everything passes, fades, and vanishes. And in the end a person will become empty.
We are brought to the state where a person begins to think about what he lives for and what the meaning of his life is.
Everything moves only in the direction of virtual reality in which everything disappears, and a person is left facing infinity like a baby on the verge of an abyss.
Different desires, attributes, questions, and feelings begin to awaken in him, which will reveal to him the meaning of what the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us. It is starting to draw and to attract him; he will enter it and see a system of forces that he is part of, which he manages and is managed by.
And all this is happening in an ever increasing harmony that is gradually revealed; it begins to play inside a person like a moving, powerful melody, continuously filling him without leaving any voids, even invisible ones. This draws him to the upcoming dimensions. I envy those who have not discovered it yet!
[172264]From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/15/15
[172264]From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/15/15
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