The people rose up against the two Tzadikim (Righteous), Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, the son of Nun, who urged them to go to the land of Israel undaunted by its inhabitants, and to defeat them. And the Creator was immediately involved here; this was speaking about a transition to the next level. Until now, the children of Israel lived in the wilderness and were working with the characteristic of Bina, bestowal for the sake of bestowal. Whereas now they were entering into the land of Israel, they were beginning to work with the ego, so they were constantly reminded of Pharaoh.
Reception with an intention of bestowal is a completely different level. When giants appear before us, which are egoistic desires that we need to work with an intention to bestow, we don’t understand how this is at all possible. A very serious internal change happens here because the method of working with the ego has changed. In the wilderness I only rise above it, become detached from it, for the wandering in the wilderness is one big Exodus from Egypt. Whereas now the entry into the land begins; so the work is absolutely different.
Egypt is one state, the wilderness is a second state, the land of Israel is a third state. The period of Egypt ended with ascent above the ego. Whereas in the land of Israel, I sink into the ego again, begin to dig into it, raising it up to me, and with its help I connect and communicate with everyone.
In other words, if I rose above my ego before, I gave everything that I could and I helped with everything, now I begin to raise my ego and yours, and communicate within it. This means that work is being done here with opposite characteristics that simply didn’t exist before.
And this work produces giants. If during the transition process, which is called the wilderness, we are elevated above the ego and approach only the Lights of Nefeshand Ruach, now we begin to attain the Light of Hochma because we are already working with the ego. The discovery of the characteristics of the Creator happens with this, which we couldn’t attain in the wilderness, only in the land of Israel.
This is new, complex work, which seems absolutely impossible; a new approach is required here. So Moses our teacher, as the leader of our internal characteristics, who led us through the entire wilderness, cannot go further with us. He must be replaced because the entire paradigm, our relationship to correction and advancement, has changed.
Question: What does the sudden appearance of the Shechina (Divinity) at that moment symbolize, when the people of Israel are about to stone Caleb and Joshua?
Answer: Here it is no longer possible to do anything because a few people among the nation, from the “herd” of former slaves, understand that they are found at the forefront and know how to overcome the obstacle, whereas others don’t understand.
The question arises: where is Moses here? He should be in the front! But he doesn’t belong to this level, so he didn’t go to see the land. Moreover, he died, just like a level that finishes its work and then a new level begins.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/15/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/15/15
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