Can a person develop the ability to stay in the midline and properly connect the positive and negative forces of nature, like Jacob and Joseph, about whom the Torah tells? Will he have the opportunity to imagine the desired picture of the future and actually achieve it?
Answer: This is possible if a person develops a very strong desire for some goal, defining it as the goal of his life. It is only necessary to find out from where he suddenly gets such a strong desire. Perhaps, he is in this world with a special mission.
The purpose of one person is to become a great doctor, the other – a prime minister, the third one – to achieve high spiritual development. Such aspirations come from our very root point, called the point in the heart. It awakens in each person his respective desire to become somebody.
We can also get these aspirations from the environment, as if by chance having found ourselves under a certain influence. There are plenty of people around us; however, everyone is impressed by something of his own. All this data we get from the general program of nature.
Question: If there is a higher program that determines my fate, how can I change it so that the future is the way I want it to be? How can I make my dreams come true? How can I change this hidden program?
Answer: Everything that is written in this program is going to happen nonetheless, whether you know about it or not. The general program must be realized. And how do thoughts come to you every second, how do people appear with whom you come in contact, how do things happen? All this takes place according to the general program. We operate within it, like obedient puppets.
But if we want to rise above this program, we need to reach the level at which the forces that control this world act. Today, the science of Kabbalah allows us to do this, but it requires a very strong desire.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/11/15
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/11/15
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