In Paris, ceaseless gunfire exchanges occurred, Russia bombed Syria, and Brussels was paralyzed from fear of terrorist attacks in the city center. Will it continue this way?
Answer: Nothing will change! The world is moving forward according to the system to increasing convergence. If the convergence is organized correctly with good mutual cooperation between people, then it will be good.
It needs to be accompanied by positive participation with the system of unity and connection, not through our egosim which causes clashes between us.
We only need to learn how to bring people closer so that they will rise above their egoism without fighting among themselves because that won’t help! The previous generation fought, this generation fights, and the next generation will fight!
Question: What solution would you suggest to resolve this conflict?
Answer: In my rosiest dreams, I would like to see the UN, the G8, G20, and other organizations and forums force Israel to unite and, in this way, attract the entire world after it to a complete unification!
Nothing else is needed. There is no need to blame the Jews for being the reason for what is bad in the world, but there is a need to force them to unite so that they will become the reason for the entire world to unite.
Even if the nation of Israel would just begin to listen to us a little, then the entire world would immediately feel relief, and the terrorists would stop killing! That is the answer to your question. I see the general system, and that is the way it is structured.
You want everything to change for the better, then put the force of good into it. It will come only through connection and unity between the Jews!
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 11/18/15
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 11/18/15
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