The institution of the family has disappeared. What in Europe had been a foundation: parents, children, the older and younger generations, rolling along as a heritage according to the principle “My home – my castle” doesn’t exist any more.
Question: But couldn’t all of this be revived, renewed somehow?
Answer: No, there is no longer anything to do about it; this is a dialectical development. All the previous values have disappeared and it is impossible to renew them or to create them artificially. Certainly both politicians and sociologists understand this.
The one thing that an be done is to awaken in people a question about the meaning of life. But unfortunately, today they are in a transitional level of development so that doesn’t concern them either. They are simply thinking about how to survive.
This is what we see in Russia. In general what to do doesn’t interest people, the main thing is to live safely. But the struggle for a good life is gradually fading. People don’t have the strength to fight for their place under the sun; they are becoming passive. So drugs are gradually dominating humanity.
All of this will continue until a new desire appears in them that will gradually awaken them from their slumber to question the meaning of life.
History knows many such periods, like the Middle Ages when it was necessary for a new form to emerge and lasted too long. This period will not last long now because the preconditions are already appearing for something new. But we must go through this transitional phase from old values to new ones.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 8/19/15
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 8/19/15
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