When He turns to Moses, the Creator calls him and the nation of Israel to begin their actual exodus from Egypt (from the egoistic desire to receive that they are in) and to fulfill the path of the ascent to the next level, to the level of Israel.
The angel that leads Moses is the force that manages and shows a person who yearns for the Creator which way to go, since otherwise he will find himself without a steering wheel or a sail along the spiritual path.If a person really wants to accept the attributes of love and bestowal by annulling his selfish attributes each time and obeying the angel that leads him, the managing force operates.
It is actually the same Light that descends upon us and leads us forward. Obeying the angel means focusing yourself on the attribute of love and bestowal of the Creator, Who is this one attribute, the only field towards which we should constantly advance.
Question: What does it mean to go to the “land flowing with milk and honey?”
Answer: Milk is the attribute of bestowal (Bina) and honey is a more sublime attribute(Hochma). The attributes are revealed in the land of Israel, in the desire that is clearly connected to the Creator, which means that it is full of the corrected attribute above the ego.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/16/13
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/16/13
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