Holy convocation at different levels, this is the holidays.
Before you come together, people are seriously engaged in a spiritual work, trying to unite. This period is called the distance between the holidays. A parish of the unified masses to a new higher degree of unity among themselves epitomizes a holiday.
The Torah describes what sacrifices were made and what level of egoism over which people had to ascend in order to create a particular style of sacred assembly, which is called the Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, etc.
Question: From a spiritual point of view, towards what point does the chain of events lead a person?
Answer: Towards reaching complete perfection. Of all the holidays, there are two most obscure: Shavuot and Purim. It would seem, especially the holiday of Shavuot (the receiving of the Torah), which lasts only one day and during which they only read very small portions to pray and they eat dairy foods. Receiving the Torah is an enormous celebration! What could be more important than that? The custom to eat dairy food that day comes from the fact that it symbolizes the property to give, to distribute the property of the Torah.
We treat Purim as some children’s holiday. These are the two most hidden holidays because they have to be reached by very serious internal efforts. As a rule, the higher, deeper, and spiritually stronger some states are, so they are more discreet, hidden, and humble .
Comment: We always talk a lot about the holiday of Passover, the exodus from Egypt, but this is only the beginning.
Answer: This is the beginning of all spiritual states. And besides, this is the beginning of the year, the beginning of the month, and the beginning of any calculation in spiritual work.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/28/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/28/14
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