Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How Should We Study The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

laitman_249-03Question: I have read one of your books and didn’t understand anything. How do I know whether I have already entered the upper world? What should I feel?
How do I know whether I have begun to develop spiritually? How can I acquire a Masach (screen)?
What egoistic desires should I have so that I should correct them? Is it about certain desires or about egoism as a whole? After all, it is infinite. I sometimes perceive my ego and I am ashamed of myself, but I don’t feel that I ascend spiritually or perhaps I don’t perceive this sensation.
What is more, there are no groups that study Kabbalah in my city and so I see everything on video. Is it possible to study Kabbalah this way?
Answer: You should study intensively and systematically according to the program of our virtual groups. When you join a virtual group you will find both a guide and friends in it.
Good luck!

Who Will Get The Blessing?

Laitman_043Midrash Rabbah, “Parashat Balak“: Balaam relates to Moses with unique hostility because he realizes that Moses is not inferior to him in wisdom.
Balaam is Moses’ cousin, which means that they are on the same level, they have the same power, the same opportunities, but the difference is that Balaam doesn’t have the attribute of bestowal (Bina), which Moses brings the world.
The question is what Jacob actually stole and how Moses uses this theft. What Balaam would like to get back and give the nations that are behind him and live in the land of Israel at the time, and the answer is the blessing.
But it is impossible to take that now. The blessing shows what will be revealed in the end since what is important is not what happens now but what will happen in the end: who will remain.
Moses will remain and the nation of Israel that has the force of connecting to theCreator will remain. It can change egoism into the attribute of love and bestowal, and whatever does fit the correction disappears. Balaam disappears into nowhere.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/5/15

Balaam—The Creator’s Loyal Companion

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Numbers,” 22:5 – 22:6: He sent messengers to Balaam the son of Beor, to Pethor, which is by the river of the land of his people, to call for him, saying, “A people has come out of Egypt, and behold, they have covered the ‘eye’ of the land, and they are stationed opposite me. So now, please come and curse this people for me, for they are too powerful for me. Perhaps I will be able to wage war against them and drive them out of the land, for I know that whomever you bless is blessed and whomever you curse is cursed.”
A person always will be mistaken before he attains the state of accurately yearning for the Creator. To be mistaken means to be under the curse of Balaam.
Only when a person reaches the point of accurately yearning for the Creator, which he can reach only after internal wars and the revelation that all of the problems are inside him, does he receive a blessing instead of a curse. This is what we see.
Question: Balak’s call to Balaam is like to the Creator and sounds exaggerated: “… whomever you bless is blessed and whomever you curse is cursed.”
Answer: Balaam is higher than Moses in that. Moses cannot turn to the Creator like Balaam because he turns to Him from an egoistic perspective.
His “she-ass” [donkey], his animal level, is connected to the Creator. Interestingly, hisego is on a level of a prophet. If you are on the left part, in a shell, you have enormous powers, animal powers called Balaam’s she-ass.
Here the she-ass prophesizes, which means that his lowest desires are connected with the upper forces, and all of this is revealed to a person as the left line.
What is poor Moses worth? He must ascend above this state in his connection with the Creator because, with regard to the Creator, he is like a baby. Balaam commands the Creator here. In other words, you face a king who has a loyal companion, a loyal force that gives commands: to stop this little Moses. What is he running around for?
Moses can do only one thing, which is to surrender, but this is how he wins. What is more, their forces are absolutely unequal.
This attribute in us that leads us to the Creator is the peak of our continuous yearning for unity.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/8/15

The Impure Power Of Balak

Laitman_514_04Midrash Rabba, Parshat Balak: The bird in Parshat Balakrevealed secrets to Balak that were not known to anyone. Among other things, the bird told Balak that he would overcome the children of Israel, yet would ultimately fall into their hands.
In a previous attempt, Balak did everything that was required so that the bird would speak. He bowed to it, burned incense to it, but the bird flew away from him.
Much later, the bird returned when a flame singed its tail. This showed Balak directly that the control of the Creator would ultimately prevail over his impure power.
Balak could not win because the highest point is general bestowal and love. Only on such a level is it possible to be like the Creator.
Question: What do the miracles of the left line indicate?
Answer: These are not miracles, but egoism that is created by the Creator because a spiritual structure, the spiritual world, is created only from the discovery of the ego and its correction. In fact, the spiritual world does not exist. We create it from the ego that is found in us and from the Light that we attract from above.
The influence of the Light on the ego is what builds states or images of mutual cooperation, thereby connecting them together. These are forms of mutual cooperation between two opposing forces.
To the extent that we attract the Light and want to resemble the Creator, the ego is born and developed in us. About this, it is also written, “The greater the man, the greater his Evil Inclination” (Sukkah 52a). So, to the degree that there is spiritual growth, problems increase.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/9/15

Monday, December 28, 2015

Why Does A Kabbalist Listen To The News?

Laitman_912I remember that at the time of the first Lebanon War,  my teacher Rabash and I listened to the news on the radio all the time, and he shared his impressions with me about how he perceived all that was happening. And I was surprised about how such a great Kabbalist was worried about events in the country and the world.
And for him it was a map of the battlefield. He completed everything through his internal calculations with higher Sefirot, and somehow this worked for him.
During the military operations Rabash was very focused, more quiet than usual. In general he was a person who very much loved jokes, but the moment the war began, his state changed sharply. This was truly derived from within; he was terribly concerned and very happy about our victories and successes on the battlefield.
I felt that this was terribly close to him, unlike the rest of the people around him in Bnei Brak. At that time I was a beginning student, and I was quite surprised about how much a person believed or didn’t believe in the Creator, His power and how everything comes from above.
Rabash always wanted to know the factual news, without any commentary, to react to them correctly. And when they asked him why he needed it, he answered: “And if your children were there, even then would you act calmly and dispassionately like this?” That is, he felt that his children were there in Lebanon. That is really how he felt about it.

Studying Mein Kampf In School

laitman_431_05Comment: Lately there has been an active discussion in Germany about the question of the removal of Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf. And now comes the announcement that the German Teachers’ Association intends to include this book in the school curriculum.
They think that a detailed investigation and analysis of this work under the guidance of the teachers will make it possible to shield the students from extremism.
Answer: Everything depends on the form of the approach and study. But in any case, this will have a negative influence because that is our nature.
It is like offering children to learn words that are forbidden to be used, or showing pornographic movies and analyzing them from the perspective of high craftsmanship. But in any case the youth will look at it like a wolf at a goat, and he will converse with them about high material and simultaneously swallow his saliva.
I would imagine that this will not teach the children anything. Certainly they will develop various circles and youth movements of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) type because each of them will feel that it is his history and he wants to justify himself.
The book itself was well-written, with all kinds of historical and other proofs. In principle, the author was right that the Jews are to blame for everything and that everything that was and is in Germany resulted from them.
I would say that this was not only in Germany but also worldwide. For everything that was done in the past and in the present was realized either by the Jews or through the Jews, or from the Jews through others. That is how our world was built and organized; we just need to understand how to use this correctly, finally leaving this vicious circle.
Humanity always goes in the same circle, constantly hitting itself and stepping on the same rake. So in this context, it is doubtful that this book will help.
Certainly it will give birth to a great number of anti-Semites. After their grandfathers, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren will stand up and it could be that it will then be possible to explain more to them. But today the anti-Semites are too atrophied if not completely indifferent regarding this problem. When they become more rigid, this will hasten development even though a movement like this in the left line is certainly an undesirable movement forward. But there is nothing to be done here.
The problem is again the Jews. For the world to go in the right direction, the Jews don’t need to convince anyone of anything and do anything else. For if they succeed in reorganizing themselves and finding their dependence and completing each other correctly in friendship, in love, and in integral connection, then the whole world will automatically aspire to that state and become like it.
Then the book Mein Kampf will also be perceived differently. So the outcome depends on what is done in Israel. If we don’t take any measures, then it will be bad. But if unity will begin in Israel, then this book seemingly will highlight those characteristics of a person that are in need of correction.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/20/15

Sex: Outdated Laws

Laitman_049_01Comment: The commander of Ayalon prison was under house arrest because of sexual harassment, although it later turned out that it was romantic love.
Answer: We are nearing the correction of the world. Ouregoism kept growing throughout history and thus determined our evolution. But in the last 150 years the ego has begun to grow exponentially. In the past people didn’t think about sex so much. In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, for example, different celebrations and distortions were part of the elite’s life.
The life of ordinary people was very hard and they only thought about how to survive. They had several children, but they could never know how many of them would survive. Therefore this issue wasn’t relevant then.
Now, however, the growing ego is revealed in the form of sex since we are quite satisfied with regard to food. Therefore sexual desire is growing sharply, changing its forms beyond the ordinary frameworks of traditional sexual relations.
Different impulses, which humanity never encountered before emerge. We can see school children as young as 10 years old surfing pornographic websites, etc. It seemed that it would pass, but it isn’t, it keeps developing, taking on new forms each time.
The point is that man first develops in his desires for food, sex, family, and then there are the desires for wealth, respect, power, and knowledge.
But as I have already said, people are generally satisfied when it comes to food so it is time now for people to be satisfied sexually, just like they are with regard to food.
In the past sexual impulses were minor and a person could satisfy them in the framework of the family, but today it is erupting everywhere and all the time. After all, people live much longer now and while in the past a couple was married for 30 years and then died, today they live together for 50 years. This means that we are facing a totally different humanity, a different atmosphere, a different connection between people!
Why has the divorce rate increased so much? It is because the mutual relations between people are not meant to be for so long, not to speak of the egoism they have today.
Generally speaking, we should approach all the problems we encounter today in a totally different manner. We have not developed a new systematic perspective of modern relations between men and women, but we see how everything falls apart and that everything is temporary, casual and therefore an affair between a commander and a female prison guard is inevitable. Perhaps it makes no difference that he is a commander and that she is subordinate to him because if such relations do exist, it is very hard to resist them.
A person suddenly begins to feel that it is the main thing in his life. On the one hand we think: “What is going on?! A grown man, a prison commander, in such a post, he has three kids, a family…” She may also be in the same situation, and suddenly this happens. I believe that we cannot remain in outdated frameworks although the law strongly forbids such behavior.
We must understand the current state of man. Many may criticize me, but we cannot live according to the old principles and according to the old rules today. We have to change our approach to life every day, according to our ego.
The current laws were written 50 years ago, and you cannot accept them today like you did in the past. If 50 years ago 90% of the women were virgins when they got married, today hardly 10% of them are and men don’t care what the woman they marry did before they met.
Question: Does this mean that you endorse the legislation of new laws concerning this issue?
Answer: I believe in laws that go along with current circumstances. We have changed and the circumstances have changed, but the laws have remained the same. We put the laws above us instead of changing them to suit the circumstances, the relationships that we encounter in humanity today. Under no circumstances can we use the frameworks of the Middle Ages today!
We will not achieve anything this way but will only destroy people’s lives. They will not go along with the outdated laws anyway! Laws regarding mutual social relations and formal laws of conduct will differ. People will begin to disrespect and hate them. They need to be changed since otherwise society will be ill.
We should have social debates; debates on TV and on the social networks, everywhere. We have to work on this in public institutions and suggest changes in legislations and regulate them so that the laws constantly change according to the changes in society.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/16/15

Feeling Life!

Laitman_001_02Question: In your spiritual development was there a time when everything seemed meaningless to you? If so, what brought you back to the path?
Answer: A Kabbalist passes through states like these every day! This is on every level! In The Book of Zohar, they describe the difficult states that Rabbi Shimon and his great companions went through when they wrote this book.
Likewise, I saw states like these that my teacher went through. When he was in a state like this, he could not move or open his eyes. He didn’t have any strength; it had left him!
There is no Kabbalist, not even the greatest, who hasn’t experienced daily opposing states on the way, from the greatest minus to the greatest plus. Specifically with their help, he advances in the right and left lines, like walking with the right and left legs.
People going in the path of truth go through states like these because it is impossible to achieve a new, higher level unless we first feel its emptiness.
All knowledge is built on a comparison between darkness and light, so the feeling of disappointment in life—in emotions, in work, in tasks and in everything that a person does, and for which he exists—is natural and necessary. Otherwise, he cannot push himself and rise higher.
However, there is no need to fear these states! It is simply necessary to strengthen the connection with the right environment, and then all of these states will seem like blessings. So, I suggest that you will have disappointments and, together with this, great fulfillments, and then you will feel life!
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/25/15

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips—11/10/15

laitman_281_02Question: Is it effective to read The Book of Zohar in Russian or English, or must you read it in the original language?
Answer: Of course it is. Read it translated in the language you understand.
Question: You say that if we do anything at the expense of others, we draw further away from the upper world. But we live only at the expense of others: we eat, dress, and so on. What do you mean when you say at the expense of others?
Answer: At the expense of others means that I steal another person’s efforts, what he deserves and not me.
Question: I think that a person attains the Creator after much suffering and pain. Is that really so?
Answer: Not necessarily, a person must feel pain, but it must be pangs of love, like a person in love yearning for his loved one. This means that he experiences pain, but it is sweet.
Question: Is the wisdom of Kabbalah similar to Buddhism?
Answer: No, according to Buddhism, you are supposed to destroy egoism. But in Kabbalah you are told, “Don’t give up anything; yearn for spirituality and, to the extent you yearn for it, the desires for this world will begin to diminish by themselves.”
Question: I have strange dreams. The feeling of reality is blue and white. I come out of my skin and feel free. What does it mean?
Answer: I think that it is a problem and that you should consult your doctor.
Question: Nature speaks to me in a language that I understand perfectly, so how can I discern the thin border between a psychological illness and a healthy perception of reality?
Answer: I can say only one thing: a person who studies in a group withfriends according to the right sources and guided by a teacher will not have such difficulties, neither of white and blue dreams nor problems with his psychological perception.
Question: Must a person live with a partner as a couple? Sometimes two people meet, then their kids grow up and one of them dies. Must the other look for a new partner or carry on by himself?
Answer: It is up to you and to what your heart feels.
Question: How can you discover and feel the upper forces in our five senses?
Answer: It is only with friends. When you begin to build the network of forces, you will discover the upper world in it.
Question: Why do I sometimes begin to shed tears during the lesson?
Answer: It happens because the upper force begins to operate in you, but your desire cannot perceive it since its volume is bigger than your desire. But it is a very good thing.
Question: Is all of humanity on the same level?
Answer: All people are on different levels and will never reach the same level of thewisdom of Kabbalah. Those who have stronger egoistic desires are more attracted to it because they want to find an answer to the question about the meaning of life. Those who have smaller desires are more passive in this life.
Question: Why does the Creator need the creation to resemble Him?
Answer: It is in order to reach a state of absolute pleasure.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/11/15

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Laitman_198Question: Is it possible to transcend the Machsom (Barrier) at the moment of death?
Answer: Of course not. We are all on the animal level. So, in what way does an animal change when it dies a natural death or when it is killed? What does it gain from death?
From this perspective, man is not better or worse than any other animal. However, while living in the corporeal world, he can ascend above his animal level and acquire an additional level called a soul.
However, if he doesn’t acquire this new sense, he has no soul, so when he passes away, his corporeal body passes away.
Question: Why do we perceive death as such a tragic event? Why are we afraid of death?
Answer: Fear drives us to overcome death. It spurs in us the egoistic desire to attain the upper world. When a person leaves the feeling of this world and reaches the feeling of the upper world, he ceases to fear death and continues to live in this world only in order to ascend higher in the spiritual world. In any case, he is already on the level of the next dimension.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/11/15

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Creator’s Angels

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe weekly sections of the Torah, Korah and Balak, are called after names of people (attributes), who don’t like the people of Israel and rise against them. However, they actually spur history forward even more than Moses and other positive figures in the Torah which exist thanks to the negative forces in nature that appear in them and to which they must respond.
The egoistic forces operate the whole system of creation and excite it, giving it a boost to keep on developing. Therefore, as it is written, “I have created the evil inclination; I have created the Torah as a spice.”
Our reality develops only thanks to the Creator’s angels. All of the people—including managers, military leaders and politicians—are the Creator’s individual forces, which He controls, of course.
In order to motivate something to move forward, the ego must be spurred forward. All of the turning points in history are named after them. In modern history, it is Hitler and Stalin. In ancient times, it was Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Titus, Caligula and more. It is actually the flashes of the ego that are expressed in razor sharp forms that give history a boost and leave an impression. It isn’t by chance that Titus set fire to the Temple.
It was so that the next generations should not forget him. How many good deeds have other people done, but no one remembers them. However, if you had created a hydrogen bomb or an atomic bomb, it is a totally different matter.
These “angels” are called by that name because they are the engines of history. What is more, there are many of them among the Jews. The American family, Rosenberg, the “atom spies,” spied for the Soviet Union and passed on secrets about the atom bomb that fell into the hands of another angel called Professor Jacob Zaldovich, who was one of the Soviet atom bomb and hydrogen bomb builders. Looking back, we can see that the leading Spanish inquisitors who expelled the Jews were actually Jewish. In addition, who were those who enticed the Romans and the Greeks to invade Israel and slaughter and kill? It was the same fifth column. The point is that, as time goes by, all of the goodness that great people do for the world fades away, but the wickedness remains in history.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/8/15

The Secret Of The Islamic State

Laitman_002Comment: A secret document of the “Islamic State” was published in the British newspaper The Guardian . It was a detailed program for building a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, which involves world control not only through the use of the sword, but also through the careful alignment of administrative, bureaucratic, social, and international components.
This 24-page document details the future state agencies: a propaganda machine, a diplomatic department responsible for international relations, centralized control over oil, etc. It devotes a lot of attention to educating the young generation to master new technologies.
Answer: The people of ISIS have common sense and know exactly what they want. From the outset, they adhere to a very clear ideological goal, and all their actions are detailed in line with this. They take into account that their plan is to control the world, so their tactics are structured correctly.
Indeed, they create their own venues and ideologies, and apart from them, also terrorism, bringing their new weapons of mass destruction: chemical, gas, radioactive, and others. They know how to disperse and hide them. In addition, they recruit foreign scientists to develop those kinds of weapons for use in guerilla warfare.
Their only weak spot is that they do not have their own state, on behalf of which they could expand.
Therefore, all the efforts of Western countries should be directed to destroy the country in its “embryonic” state, and to prevent the education of the young generation in this spirit.
As soon as Western Europe and the US allow the appearance of such a nation, just like a cancerous growth, it will immediately spread to the entire world. This is the first thing.
Second, they attract people by saying, “We want to unite and thereby save the world from ideological conflicts and a new world war. If one state is formed, one opinion, one single ideology, then there will be no war.”
The background is this: if the world surrenders, then everything will be fine. So the world, which by and large is opposed to this ideology, has only one option: to give in to them.
Only the ideology of Kabbalah, which is against this backdrop that will awaken and emerge more and more, confronts the ideology of the Islamic State.
As a result, the world will confront this resistance and will understand that the Kabbalistic ideology allows people not only to unite, but to do so without losing the freedom to follow the plan of nature. After all, this system wasn’t artificially set up but was taken from the depth of nature, from its laws. Thus, it is specifically this system that has the right of existence.
The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about how humanity needs to rise to the next level of its development and enter the next dimension in which we will exist together as one whole. And then with our unity, we will feel the manifestation of a single force of nature, which is called the Creator.
Comment: This Islamic State also wants to be a single entity, a unified whole.
Answer: Yes, but this is a whole that is egoistic and doesn’t correct man’s nature; it unites everyone through fear and pressure, and is therefore not viable. The period where people try to unite under the pressure of a dictator will quickly end and will bring much bloodshed.
From the perspective of Kabbalah, unity reveals the upper force, which connects us. This means that we don’t unite under pressure of fear or some human factors, but under the influence of the upper force of nature. We feel how it brings us together!
We feel it brings us together. Therein lies difference between the two ideologies. Thus the world, in any case, will come to unity, but it’s advisable to avoid the terrible and bloody dictatorship, and do so in a good way. I think that it will be this way.
As for today, the main thing for all of humanity is to not to allow the formation of the Islamic State in either Iraq or Syria.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 12/8/15

The Role Of Jethro In The Making Of Moses

laitman_740_02From the words of the Midrash Rabba, Parshat Balak: Balak sent a message to the sages of Midian. “The leader of the Jews, Moses, grew up among you. Can you reveal to me the secret of his success?”
In the response that he received it said, “This snake, Moses, truly suckled from our breast. A Midianite invited him to his home, gave his daughter to him as his wife and provided him with money.”
To provide money means to supply a spiritual Masach (Screen).
Moses constructed a screen against his egoism, otherwise he would not have been able to oppose Pharaoh. For forty years, Moses lived in his house and used the same methods as Pharaoh, automatically obeying him. Then, he spent forty years with the Midianites and married the daughter of Jethro.
During this time, Moses attained such a level that he could return to Pharaoh and confront him, in other words, he could rebel against the universal egoism. Jethro gave him this method.
Moses began to understand the language of the Creator. When he leaves the house of Jethro to return to Egypt, he already has a connection with the Creator. From the burning bush, the Creator spoke to him, “Go, I will guide you.”
After that, what does Moses have?! His ego started with a special point in the heart that was under the control of Pharaoh for forty years and under the control of Jethro for forty years. Now, he is 80 years old, meaning that he has gained serious egoistic characteristics and some of the characteristics of Bina, which were basically at the level of working for the sake of the ego, but he could stand against Pharaoh.
Question: What does it mean that Jethro the Midianite provided Moses with a wife?
Answer: It means that he gave Moses a completely different desire that made it possible for him to understand side of Pharaoh (egoism). After being inside egoism, it was impossible to understand it because he had the mind and desire of Pharaoh. Moses, being an adopted son who grew up in the house of Pharaoh, was fully immersed in the ego.
However, with Jethro, he received such an understanding of leadership that it became possible for him to stand against Pharaoh. Jethro is the main system of leadership: egoism that is gradually drawn toward altruism, becoming more connected with it.
It is like a person who is already studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and advances even though he is entirely in the ego. However, he already understands something, perceives something, enters a period of preparation, and then to a state of Lo Lishma(Not for Her Name). He begins to understand the system, even though this system is still on the fuzzy side for him.
The fact is that, even if you want to manage your ego, you still need to do this with the help of the Light. When you are within Pharaoh, you cannot manage it. It is just a pitiful, egoistic state from which you are not able to exit.
When you begin to use the characteristics of bestowal and love, you gradually approach the Creator, the correct characteristics of leadership, although you are attracted to the spiritual forces for the sake of the ego. However, it is precisely in this way that you begin to learn about them! It follows that you get dirty by working within the ego, but it is with the help of the spiritual forces.
This is the Klipa (Shell), the impure forces, that gradually help in moving toward true bestowal and love. In the beginning, the bestowal is not true, yet it still exists, at least for the sake of the ego. It is just this way that we move through an intermediate stage called Lo Lishma (for himself), but it is now with some kind of contact with the altruistic system, not with the inflexible Pharaoh who strikes with the ego. He has nothing else; he is fully Klipa.
However, within Pharaoh, altruistic characteristics that will work for him already are manifesting, which are called Erev Rav, the mixed multitude. These people exploit the Kabbalistic system for their own sake, for the sake of their ascent and self-aggrandizement. All of the religions evolved from that.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/8/15

A Universal Science For Everyone

laitman_214Question: How can I show an example to others that by studying Kabbalah I am in a better place?
Answer: There’s no way. When a person begins to study Kabbalah, he sees in it such knowledge, logic, and depth that it simply amazes him.
He will understand that all the rest of the sciences of our world are explained very simply within it, and it advances them further. Kabbalah tells a person what must be done to reach general integral knowledge about our world and the upper worlds, about the management system of our world.
We need to see the system of creation because then we can not only manage ourselves, but also rise to the system of management itself and exist in it in the form in which we existed prior to the physical body.
Before entering our body, we were within the program of creation. But now we have the possibility of achieving this program and living simultaneously in two worlds. And then from our perspective there will be neither time nor death. We must yearn for this.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/25/15

Why Is It Difficult For Us To Bear The Death Of Our Relatives?

laitman_627_2Question: It is very difficult for us to bear the death of relatives. How do people who are involved with spiritual development relate to this?
Answer: Shortly after I began to study with my teacher, it so happened that the mother of three of his students died. I went for to express my condolences and was very surprised to see that they behaved as before, talking calmly with each other.
As time passed, I understood that this is precisely what the relationship to death should be.
Why do we perceive temporal, petty, insignificant existence, that amounts to only escaping from suffering, as so special? What is it?
After all, this life amounts to attempts to place ourselves in a more comfortable situation every moment, to suffer less. That is what life is! Why should I grieve if people are moving away from this?
There is a particular animal fear of losing even this tiny speck of life, even though according to the wisdom of Kabbalah it is not even called life; it is a kind of inner illusion!
We were originally created to begin from this state, to search for the true meaning of existence. If a person doesn’t use the opportunities that are given to him in this world to go out to a higher state and continue his life from there, then there is nothing to be done. Naturally this will continue until all of us achieve the feeling of the upper world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/1/15

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Living In A Coffin

laitman_547_06Comment: South Korea is the record holder in the rate of suicide caused by depression and stress at a workplace.
Consequently, they have invented a kind of a burial service: at the beginning of the work day the workers read goodbye letters saying how good their life was with their dear ones and then they open a coffin and lie in it, each worker with his photograph, lying in there crying.
One of the Koreans wrote: “After this experiment I realized that I have to try to live differently; to come out of the coffin of my life. I realized that I had made many mistakes and I hope I will be able to love my work and to spend more time with my family.” We should pay attention to what he says, and to the fact that his work still comes first.
Answer: Does the wisdom of Kabbalah say that a person should sit and think about how his life is going to end? It will end in nothing. What is he living for? In order to experience some small pleasures every now and them? What’s the point?
A person should have a strong motivation to live. He should have a meaning in life; he should have a goal. And we have to discover all that.
The managers in plants in South Korea are trying to somehow stimulate and motivate their workers because they want to squeeze more from them. What do they care if the workers die afterward?
Question: But why is depression so prevalent there?
Answer: Because of the nature of that nation. They are mechanical. In addition, competition is high there and they are prepared for it from childhood.
Comment: Do you regard competition negatively?
Answer: Competition should be targeted, not in order to succeed in this life and to reach the level of a director of a company, head of a department, or head of an office, and then take pride in it.
Question: How would you stimulate and motivate workers in a Korean factory?
Answer: I would motivate them differently, but in order to do that they need to be developed, meaning gathering them in teams and giving each team a task so that they will all be responsible for one another and help each other.
The importance of the common goal will help them be incorporated into each other and then having a common corporeal goal will lead them to finding a common spiritual goal. Soon the whole world will operate this way.
Question: Why don’t the Koreans go for it then?
Answer: They are not ripe enough for it yet.
Question: Do you believe that the success of every Korean plant actually depends on unity and not on competition?
Answer: Competition will not hold on much longer, and people will get used to these burial services. Never mind, a person also gets used to dying.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/15/15

Fulfilling The Spiritual Plan

laitman_238_02Question: Why does king Sihon who symbolizes egoism declare war on Israel? Doesn’t he feel that he is going to die?
Answer: What else can he do? We know that when the egoistic desires are revealed in us they clash and fight within us and we cannot do anything about it.
The ego leads us: it leads part of us to death and part of us to victory. The plan of creation is fulfilled inside us, and the ego carries it out, operating and implementing it. It is processed by the ego.
It is just like when you see that Abraham has to kill Isaac. It is hard to understand that from a corporeal perspective, but in spirituality I have to kill that desire because that’s the way it has to be and there is nothing I can do about it. We perceive such actions as tragic in our world, while in the spiritual life everything is different because it is on a totally different level of decision making.
Here the plan embedded in you is fulfilled so there is no room for feelings. You witness this cosmic plot being acted out inside you.
Question: Does a person feel happy when he approaches spiritual death?
Answer: Yes, he is happy that he is part of the spiritual action that is fulfilled by him. You don’t think about what will happen to you the next moment. There is no such thing in the spiritual world, just as there is no feeling of death. There is only the feeling of fulfilling the plan, and that is the most sublime thing.
It is the joy of the idea, the joy of existing, the joy of the revelation of the upper force, the joy that there is nothing left of my egoistic self.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/1/15

How Does One Read Kabbalistic Texts?

laitman_216_01Question: How do texts like The Book of Zohar and Shamati work and influence me when I read them together with others, and how do they influence me if I read them alone? And which is preferable?
Answer: In both cases the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light) is awakened; we must read them both alone and together, but it is more effective to read them together.
Question: Which particular prayers are worthwhile for me to read before going to sleep so that sleeping will open me spiritually?
Answer: Any part of an article by Baal HaSulam or Rabash that seems appropriate to you.

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