First of all, the feeling of happiness is not subjective; it encompasses whole groups of people. On the one hand, there is a measurement of integrality in the index of happiness: If everyone around me is miserable, I cannot be happy.
Let’s say I can feel strong, this is also temporary because this also requires confirmation from some part of the society. The happiness could be felt in collective unity when there is support and agreement between the people.
Secondly, even though the person wants to achieve what has been taught by society: money, status, power, fame, and so forth, essentially he subconsciously is seeking a feeling of happiness. But since they don’t teach him this, he remains miserable all of his life with a feeling of a lack of real fulfillment. In his latter days of life, when he looks at the past, he understands that there was no benefit to his life: not for himself, not for his children or grandchildren; they, like him, will not be happy.
So finding the formula for happiness and teaching it to others is the most important thing in life. Moreover, if you don’t teach others, then you cannot be happy yourself, because the feeling of happiness, as studies have shown, depends on this being felt among the people around you. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah is involved with.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day One” 7/13/14, Lesson 1
From the Convention In Sochi “Day One” 7/13/14, Lesson 1
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