To the extent that each of us will feel and represent the group as a complete zero, the more he will be able to be included in it. You should nullify yourself to the maximum and thus you attain greater integration than others. It is in this that we should compete with each other: Who can nullify himself more. Everyone should strive to this and awaken others.
The group will become more connected as each friend will increasingly nullify himself before the others. When this mutual inclusion reaches the minimal degree, we will turn into one whole and immediately feel our first connection with the Creator. Since we have cancelled our own egoistic form and are ready to become clay in the hands of the Master, the form of the Creator will be manifested in us.
Then more egoism is added and we again have to cancel ourselves in order to be included into each other. Thus, we work until we merge into one whole that has no form and are ready for anything, that is, agree to become clay in the hands of the Master. Then we again obtain the form of the Creator: more accurately and specifically and will know Him even more.
The Creator will begin to dominate us and fill us with His multifaceted properties, clothing into all our thoughts and desires and giving them His form. Thus, for the first time we reach such a state that only the form of the Upper will be present in our material.
However, on the path to this state, some parts are able to agree to it, while others may not agree, and that is why they are contracted and separated from others. In this way, our progress occurs: The main thing is mutual inclusion, and it happens only due to self-nullification relative to those with whom you want to be included.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/21/14
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/21/14
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