On the whole, it is actually the same generation that fought the war and if not they themselves, it was their friends. My daughter’s friend couldn’t wait to be recruited and was eager to reach the front and to do his share. For some reason he had the feeling that if he didn’t participate in it he would be missing something.
Answer: A person feels that he doesn’t get what he deserves. When he reaches the front, a soldier feels that he gets something for being there and not that he gives. It is a new phenomenon that we didn’t see before in wartime or in military operations. It belongs to the next level of a human being who begins to feel his giving as receiving.
A soldier who reaches the front and receives a weapon to carry out orders should feel that he sacrifices himself when he serves the nation. However, he suddenly feels that he receives since he acquires a feeling of belonging to his people and to the action that unites everyone. He receives the force of unity from that.
If he doesn’t go to the front, he doesn’t have this strong impression; it is as if he remains empty and he lacks this. So he yearns to be in the center of events in order to be with everyone not just physically, but mentally. It is then that he feels a filling. He understands that this is the only place that can fill him.
This time the feeling was very clearly expressed. Let’s hope that it will be enough to help us move forward this time without war.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/12/14
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/12/14
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