The general law of connection and interdependence is called mutual guarantee. I exist now in the simplest form that has nothing to do with spirituality since it is the only form that can exist without the law of mutual guarantee.
The moment I begin to mix with others and connect to them, I detach myself from my current form and feel that I belong to the system, and to that extent, I feel the force in the system that is called the Creator.
Everyone is connected to one system of connection of mutual guarantee. And this is actually the reason we can connect because everyone connects in order to work for others.
Mutual guarantee is our achievement. Feeling that I am responsible for all of the still, vegetative, animate, and speaking nature means that I feel that I am equal to the Creator. This is the only way I can be like Him: It is as if I give birth to everyone, raise them, sustain them, and revive them all. The whole world is nourished by me. This is called the force of mutual guarantee.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/13/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/13/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam
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