Answer: There are several conditions for what we call a miracle. First I cannot predict it, I can only prepare myself for it, but I don’t know when I am fully prepared. It can happen at any moment.
Second, I operate a mechanism that is above nature since I transcend my current nature, this corporeal level, to the spiritual level, which is called birth into the upper world.
I suddenly draw Light into my egoistic desire that influences me and provides me with the attribute of bestowal. These events do not seem to stem from a cause and effect relationship: the next state doesn’t stem directly from the previous state.
One moment I am on the animate level and suddenly I rise to the human level, and the Light of Ruach, to which I had no connection before, enters me. This is how the level of the vegetative also stems from the still, animate from vegetative nature, and now the human level from the animate level.
Every time some higher essence from Above is added and penetrates the matter despite the lack of any preparation for it in the matter itself. No matter how I try to turn my egoistic desire to enjoy, I will not manage to turn it into a desire to bestow.
I can increase my state of Lo Lishma (not for its sake) to a huge dimension, but inside there will always be a certain degree of an intention for myself. I can reach faith above reason that will cover the missing 999 dollars in the envelope that my friend gives me as a repayment of a 1000 dollar debt and instead of the one dollar that is actually inside, I will see the complete 1000 dollars.
But still, this last dollar remains and ties me to my desire to enjoy. I cannot break this connection. And suddenly Light is poured from Above, breaks this connection, and then provides me with its nature. It’s a miracle that is above ordinary nature.
The Light that shines during the exodus from Egypt is the Light of spiritual birth, GAR ofHochma, although it’s perceived as the greatest darkness. This action is carried out from Above. In the process of corporeal birth it isn’t so obvious: There is a baby inside a mother and he comes out, but we should understand that birth is the transition from one nature to another.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/13/14, The Zohar
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/13/14, The Zohar
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