We may work with many couples, and it will seem to us that we managed to teach them the integral method. But they won’t achieve anything with its help. They won’t have enough patience for it, and the society doesn’t support this. We are not built in the way that helps us implement it. For this, one has to become a true expert on building such system of relationships and devote himself exclusively to this.
We will be able to teach people to create such inner family relationship only in the framework of correction of the entire society where we will build similar relationships as well. That is, this is inseparably linked with integral education.
In an ideal family relationship a couple is connected in such a way that we complete each other, giving to each other pleasure which one cannot achieve alone. And I can’t receive it from anybody else because I feel that it has to do with the inner world of a person next to or in front of me.
We are in union (Zivug) both in the heart and soul, which refers to the innermost mutual penetration, thanks to which we get incorporated into each other.
And this is taking place because inside our connection we feel general influence of the environment that is connected with the same ties as well. Two of us become one whole, and we feel that namely through the connection between us we will be able to connect with a greater society, reaching adhesion (Zivug) with them, and to receive from them a great addition: a feeling of harmony with society.
In this way, we receive a big addition, even if compared with a romantic idyll in the family. But by acting as a couple, as a single family unit in relation to society, we receive billion times more sensations.
Love between us grows many times if it corresponds to the general love that dwells in the society in which we live. Today, we can create a right family only for this purpose, otherwise not. And thus, I repeat: It’s impossible to receive this without integral education.
And this will benefit society at large, which will start feeling love within itself as well, love that raises us to a completely different level. Inside a small family one can attribute it to psychological effect, physical sensation. But if we receive such love in the entire society, we ascend to a completely new level of life.
Question: Can love between us two kindle love in the entire society?
Answer: No, we have to simultaneously develop both. One love supports the other, and they can’t exist without one another. Thus, if we try to implement this method only within the family, we won’t succeed.
Love demands mutual support between family and society. And apparently, this is so on purpose—an great lack of good family relationships that we feel today will force us to establish good relations in society.
From a TV Program “A New Life” No. 196, 06/09/2013
From a TV Program “A New Life” No. 196, 06/09/2013
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