All the beauty, richness of understanding, attainment, and feeling stem from the combination of details. On our own, no one will give us a true inspiration. It is only when I connect distant, opposite things and suddenly they complete each other. This mutual compensation of polar phenomena inspires me.
Everything starts from separation, hatred, alienation, from a complete inability to coexist, and suddenly I see that compensation comes due to this, that no one is complete without others. Everyone comes together, and then, according to the power of separation, I feel the power of unity, the power of oneness.
The breaking brought us to splitting, scattering, hatred, and antagonism at different levels. We reject each other, are ready to destroy and to kill each other, and it is even more so in the spiritual world. There, the forces of the right and left lines act at an immeasurably larger scale, and each time a person must build the middle line in order to gather and unite all the parts together. This brings the Light to all the worlds 620 times greater, and this brings the Creator pleasure.
So, on the one hand, the created beings reveal the darkness, and on the other hand, they come out of the darkness into the Light. However, this is a special light because they, themselves, generate it, discovering a gap and rejection, and then revealing unity and completion.
It did not exist previously. One thing is the Light that corrects the created being and another is the goal of creation. It is awakened only in the one who feels this whole process himself. Therefore, it is impossible to attain revelation without desire, need. We must go through all the details of perception to open every door.
This is the miracle that is inherent in the wisdom of Kabbalah. We reveal the contradictions and their mutual compensation. This is the greatest gift, prepared for us by the Creator, and from our side, we reveal this gift, recognize it, thank the Creator for it, and thus bring Him contentment.
Yes, He seemingly put us in a dark cellar, but at the same time, this is where we reveal all the beauty of the universe.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/26/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/26/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam
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