Answer: Imagine that there are “good” people who always praise you and give you presents and then there are “bad” people who always punish you and cause you problems.
Now the question is who really does good to you and who harms you? It all depends on the goal you are trying to achieve.
Those who hurt you reveal the truth to you, showing you that you have properties that they despise. By doing this, they show you the source of evil, the reason for their hatred of you. When you correct this reason, you will suddenly see these hostile forces become your friends!
So do you think they were good or bad initially? They must have been good!
And those people, who only gave you gifts and always praised you, never gave you a chance to correct anything in you. They only satisfied your egoism, so it turns out that they are your enemies. Right?
It is understandable that everyone only wants to be around “good” people who praise us, but these good people are ruining the world! And it is written in The Zohar: “All their mercy is egoistic, for their own sake.”
We need to love the Klipot, value the Pharaoh! All our haters show us our uncorrected parts. And if we see the corrections we can make with their help, we should be grateful to them.
Our entire work in upbringing and education is to figure out the properties that can be corrected and to grow by doing this.
Hatred of Klipot is childhood, the “small state” (Katnut)! One needs to see their source, after all, the Upper Light goes through them, through our corrupt desires, and shows these defects to us from the side in the form of foreign, impure forces (Klipot). This is called the “visible flaw.”
Essentially, I am looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my face, which I do not like! So who do I blame, the mirror or myself? The Klipa is our mirror. All the faults that it shows us are inside us (just like the rest of the world we see around us).
All the catastrophes and problems that we encounter, from the smallest to the largest, are a projection of our inner properties.
This is why it is impossible to be without the Klipot! Without them we would not be able to attain anything, we would not feel or distinguish anything. Where would we begin the correction if not with the Klipot?
It is impossible to correct a defect without having revealed its cause. And the role of theKlipot is to show us our defects. This is the most necessary thing for us! We know that one can only reach the fruit through the peel.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/6/10, Talmud Eser Sefirot
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/6/10, Talmud Eser Sefirot
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