The Creator created the desire to enjoy, but we are in illusion now thinking that we are created to enjoy receiving. We are in this deception and that is why every time we get some pleasure, it immediately disappears. We need to understand this contradiction that we need precisely the desire to bestow because the goal of creation is to enjoy bestowal.
“To bring pleasure to the created being” means to bring them to the state in which they will receive pleasure from bestowal and not egoistical giving for the sake of receiving, and not even giving for the sake of giving, but receiving for the sake of bestowal. That is, we have to use our desires, all our abilities in order to bestow.
It turns out that any change in our nature is possible only under the condition that we nourish ourselves from some external source of inspiration, importance, desire, attraction, and push towards a spiritual goal from which we derive all the power advancing us to correction. All this energy comes from the environment. A person is able to do something only if he is influenced by the environment. And if there is no such influence, he will not succeed.
There are moments when a person is given an awakening from above and then he is able to turn to the environment. But in most cases, he himself cannot turn, and the environment must take care of conveying the importance of the goal and inspiration to everyone. Only then will we be able to advance in the right direction.
Therefore, there is no more important task than building the right environment. It is written, “Would that they left me and kept my Torah, for the radiance within it would return them to good.” The Light comes only when we are connected between each other. That is why the building of the environment is the main condition.
There is no point in waiting for a true spiritual revelation from above if it does not come out of our own efforts to unite with humans such as us. We need to understand and remember the fact that everything that happens in our relations with the external world, from us to it and from it to us, to everyone, and to us together, comes only through our connection.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/30/13
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/30/13
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