If a person is constantly involved in some kind of mandatory work, no matter what that work is, it will prevent him from falling because he will be obliged to do something related to spiritual advancement regardless of his state. Otherwise, he will be occupied with this only when he feels an ascent.
Then a descent comes, which he doesn’t feel at first even though he has already begun to descend. It is very easy to descend, and it seems to a person that he is still in ascent. It is the same in corporeal life when you come down a hill, which is always easy. You still feel that you are above, but essentially, you have started to descend. And when you are descending, you no longer have a desire to open a book, read something, hear, or learn. The state of apathy descends upon and dominates you, and then it’s very difficult to come out of it.
Therefore, it’s neccesary to come up with a precise schedule that will protect a person for sure. And any other advice is certainly correct but just about impossible to realize practically. This is the law, but in order to keep the law, we must organize a strict daily schedule for ourselves where we commit ourselves to be occupied with spiritual work all of the time. This is what I recommend to you from my experience.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/28/13
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/28/13
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