Question: Does the phrase “and the judgment is true,” refer to the trial of the soul?
Answer: Of course. We come closer by the attributes of Din (judgment) and mercy, by feeling “bitterness” and “sweetness.” They teach and develop us so that we will be able to feel the Creator. He is the one who shows us the attitude of “bitterness” or “sweetness,” which means that He speaks the “language” that we can understand. In the same manner, parents have to explain things to a child in different ways, whether they are pleasant or not.
Although it isn’t about the actual “language” of pleasure and sufferings, it is thanks to them that I reach an inner adhesion between the two parts that are seemingly standing behind me.
There is something in the Creator, and He wants to create something similar in the created being. Then He creates in Himself and in the created being a communication system that is His “language,” that uses terms of receiving and bestowal.
All this is so that we will somehow work out the inner mutual connection between our initial parts. They cannot connect without a special “adaptor,” without a “language” of pleasures and sufferings, “bitterness” and “sweetness,” truth and lie, bestowal and receiving.
Then, there, there is no more receiving or bestowal, but rather something that is deeper and more internal that we cannot describe in words.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/8/13, ”The Peace”
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