Answer: We have to be concerned with the factory because we must study the consumer: what is best for him; what’s the best way to disseminate the material to him, to serve him, and so on. You become involved with the outside world and therefore have to sort out a thousand different questions regarding communications and dissemination. However, what questions can there be in a group if we have love? If there is love, then there are no questions. Then the problem is that there’s no love. Attain love and there won’t be any questions.
After all, the questions arise from egoism. “How should we organize everything? Maybe we should separate or maybe join together? Is there a place here for women or not?” When there’s an understanding of the goal and that it is reached together, then there are no more questions. That is why we should elevate above our egoism, and all questions will naturally disappear.
Are you following the lead of the Creator or egoism? What is driving you? You must be aware of this and then everything will be easy. I have a lot of problems with our world Kabbalah factory, from morning to evening there are meetings, deliberations, and so on. In my opinion, when it comes to the group, there shouldn’t be any questions.
The relationship between friends should be aimed only toward love. I don’t want to talk to my friend about anything other than the love between us and the exaltation of the Creator, because precisely in this regard, he is my friend. And if not, then there’s nothing to talk about. Try to be specific. That way your time and energy won’t be wasted on irrelevant things, everything will move forward, and you will see yourself advance.
From the Virtual Lesson 11/11/12
From the Virtual Lesson 11/11/12
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