Kabbalists are people who are already on the spiritual levels and who pull us towards them from there. It is they that we want to follow and not any living person in this world who is after some goals of his own and whose ego is now burning inside him pushing him towards these goals.
It is very important to remember that. In fact it is typical of everyone and the only difference is the matter of degree, but there are many people in which the unrestrained ego is burning so strongly that it pushes them to determine a new direction as they see fit. If they cannot restrain themselves, the group must do it.
We can meet such people among those who deal with dissemination actively. They are burning with passion to do everything as they see fit and don’t let others participate in the work by keeping others way and protecting their “territory.”
We should perceive such trends as destructive for our work. On the one hand, a person should be free to work and to advance successfully. But on the other hand, if he aspires to do this work alone, without drawing others to it, without giving them equal opportunities next to him in the same territory, then it will gradually begin to have a destructive effect both on him and on others.
We should constantly check whether there is equality among us and openness in our relations with one another so that there won’t be cases of someone trying to keep a certain territory for himself, a certain niche, a direction in which he will be untouchable. Everything should be open to everyone and a person should be especially happy when he dissolves among others everywhere, in every job, in every goal and in every success.
If this doesn’t happen, such people will eventually cause great harm to the group, although for a while it may seem that they are doing a good job. We should be very careful of them.
If a person cannot work by really subjugating himself and only feigns modesty, as in a theater, he will eventually cause terrible damage. So we should be very careful of such people.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/28/12, “Conversation About the Group”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/28/12, “Conversation About the Group”
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