Answer: Everything is revealed on the background of the growing egoand this is also where the danger is; how will we end the correction: in order to receive or in order to bestow? Which path will we follow, the path of the Torah or the path of suffering? It is because the positive force grows opposite the negative one.
So there aren’t fewer problems with the revelation of the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is because we are less able to hear anything and because there is an increasing hardening of the heart. It isn’t by chance that the last blows before the exodus from Egypt were so hard.
Question: But is it possible to distort the idea itself in our times?
Answer: A person wants to contradict things automatically and unless he feels that, on the one hand, he has no choice and, on the other hand, he can save himself by this method, he will not accept it. So he has to be approached very gently and the truth has to be wrapped in such wrappings that will not evoke any resistance in people.
It isn’t a matter of “inverted propaganda,” but human nature, the ego that is a “helpmate.” The Creator is there as the “Pharaoh” who doesn’t want to hear anything and causes different interruptions so that you will correct yourself that way, learn how to rise, and understand the wisdom of Kabbalah more deeply in order to overcome the obstacles more powerfully and discover the truth until you begin to teach others. It is all part of the process of correction. It cannot be a short and easy path.
No matter how many more enemies and adversaries there will be, we need to understand that it is a result of the system. How will the heart of Pharaoh be revealed? Only by tenacity and cruelty. It may seem that one or two blows are enough; why do we need all the plagues of Egypt all the way to the “death of the firstborn?” But Pharaoh doesn’t give in; even the escape is in the dark.
So we have to be gentle and explain again and again and help people face their ego. No matter what they may say about us, there is no other way. Just as we cannot choose the character of our children, we have to take care of them lovingly, no matter what. The child may go wild and not listen, he may be too naughty, but what can you do? After all, it is my child, he was born, and I have an internal connection with him that cannot be broken.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/2/12, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar”
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/2/12, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar”
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