Answer: We constantly need to maintain the state of unity of people. In no case should we stop training people because they cannot just take a course in integral education and end there. They will see that they need this. They will feel it as the source of life force.
That is why we don’t need to force them. They will attend the courses in integral education with pleasure. The same circles certainly will appear on the Internet, television, and so on. In general, we will come to a state where this will become a necessary public action just to behave correctly and correctly relate to the world. This is general re-education.
In addition, we are now in a state of crisis when millions of people are becoming unemployed. Everything gradually is collapsing, falling apart. All social, family, commercial, and industrial relations—I am not even mentioning banking and economic relations—all these will gradually unravel, and then people will see that the source of life, understanding the processes where they are and how they can escape from all troubles is in integral unity. That is, they will feel and recognize unity, not as some relief or psychological workshop, but as the transition from the current state of the world to the next.
From a Fundamentals of Kabbalah Lesson 7/15/12
From a Fundamentals of Kabbalah Lesson 7/15/12
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