Question: Soon there will be a convention in Kharkov. Which main thought should we be concentrating on?
Answer: This thought must be a about achieving a very serious unity, where the upper Force will be revealed, which helps everyone see, feel, and understand how to actually advance.
Regrettably, currently there is enormous confusion; people still do not understand what they need to do. And they will not understand it until they see and feel that they are on a spiritual level: the level of bestowal. They will have problems, complaints, and so forth.
Question: Are you speaking about mankind or our groups?
Answer: Primarily, I am speaking about our groups. Personally, I need to urgently lift my students to already begin working with them on a different level.
I hope that our seminars, the upcoming fall convention, and the work in preparation for the convention and dissemination of our materials that we do over the course of this time, the round tables in the West, the US, and Israel—that all of this will result in our ability to enter then next level through our mutual effort. I am always waiting for this. And it is coming nearer.
It is like jumping over an abyss, when you need to swing intensely, and only after will you be able to make a good jump. We are now swinging like a cat aiming itself before a jump. This is the state that we are in now.
This has never yet happened in history because since the breaking of the Kelim, the vessels, we are the first ones to begin correcting.
Question: Sо you have both an uneasy and happy feeling that this is about to happen?
Answer: I simply know that this must happen, and I am concerned in a way, because I feel like the world is unraveling much faster and we must prevent the outcome of it.
We can do this if we gather into one single Kli, a common desire, then the world will follow us. And everyone will suddenly reveal that there is a method, a group, an organization, which is able to give a new philosophy, a new model to the world.
And if we fail to achieve this and will have no strength, mankind will also not feel anything. We must appear in this world as the carriers of a unifying, spiritual upper Force. And then the world will “smell” that we have it, and everyone will follow.
This is why it is very important now to prepare many teachers, lecturers, and educators who need to complete seminars and courses of integral preparation, of unity, so they understand what this is about even though they have not yet attained spirituality. But we already want to have materials, a method, and for everything around to move towards it.
I think that we will absolutely break through before the fall convention: The world will obligate us. There is an objective need here, and it is not for us, but for the world to advance forward.
Once we really capture this spiritual potential, the entire world will immediately begin to feel it and advance because we all exist in one single field.
Just like a charge in an electric field moves towards its source, its potential, in the same way, the entire world will suddenly feel that we have the solution to the problem; we will capture specifically this potential, this unity. It is not like something will convince everyone; people will not need words, they will simply wait: “Give us what you have!” They will turn to us with this demand.
From “Questions and Answers” 5/25/12
From “Questions and Answers” 5/25/12
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