There are “seconds,” “minutes,” “hours,” “days,” “nights,” “special days of the week,” “extraordinary days of the month,” “special months of the year,” and “leap years” all inside one another. They play a tremendous role in our lives since our path includes these states.
Even the smallest state contains all others like a holographic picture. We’re connected with a special Light that shines for us and thus modifies the Surrounding Light so that on various days we get different types of the Surrounding Light even though we continue applying the same level of effort.
Our work stays unchanged, but by the mere fact that it’s a Monday, the Surrounding Light differs from the Light that we had on Sunday. We alter our labor “from below;” at the same time, conditions “from Above” also get modified in order to “meet” our work and equate it with the external conditions that are called “the world, a year, a soul.”
This applies particularly to various time segments such as “seconds and minutes,” etc. since it brings us in compliance with them. The awakening from Above is of great help to us. Changes in the upper worlds happen perpetually, every single second. It provides us with additional sets of changes that shorten our path to spirituality.
The system is built in an exceptionally wise way. Concurrent to our personal growth, we correct the whole system on a large scale because the awakening from Above originates an exceptional state within us. Thus, a microscopic change that we achieve impacts the whole system and improves other people’s condition by bringing them a lot of happiness.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/2012, The Study of the Ten Sefirot
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/2012, The Study of the Ten Sefirot
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