The Creator cannot be known without the group. On the other hand, the group without the Creator is not a group but “a gathering of scoffers.” Therefore, I, the group, and the Creator are one whole. This is described as “Israel, the Torah, and the Creator are one.”
The Torah is the force that merges us into the group if we want to unite despite the resisting force. Hence, the giving of the Torah and Arvut (mutual guarantee) are connected. After all, Arvut per se is impossible. We don’t implement but rather demand its implementation. This is the “miracle of the exodus from Egypt.” We only participate in it, where the changes per se are not performed by our efforts, but are solely a result of our desire.
Our job is to wish for it as strongly as we can. Then, the Light comes. Meanwhile, we are already making “the golden calf” like in the times of the reception of the Torah. It happens, but we don’t forget to keep crying out loud either!
We must prepare and spill out the strongest demand that we possibly can. Just demand and don’t think about what will follow. What is needed is the collective, unified demand which will allow us to receive the force of unification. Then we let our egoism rise again in the next instant since this is the program of the system. It isn’t our concern.
Our concern is to demand correction of the egoism that is given to us right now, nothing more. A person is evaluated according to the current circumstances. We only need to fill ourselves to the utmost with the awareness of necessity and readiness to attack.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/15/10, “The Arvut”
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