Posted on May 5th, 2011 at 6:35 pm
Answer: Yes,
but we are not yet in the state that He created. We are outside of it,
behind all kinds of veils, concealments. These screens have to do only
with us since we are the ones who feel concealment.
The Creator created only one state regarded
as the world of Infinity. However, in order to feel that we are
actually in this Infinity, we need to accumulate all sorts of
Suppose someone wants to treat me to some
exotic dish, but in order for me to really appreciate its taste, I need a
desire for it. I am supposed to have an idea of what it is and how it
is eaten. Otherwise, I won’t get it, like the farmer mentioned in The Book of Zohar
who lived on a farm all his life, grew wheat, and, until he once
visited a city, hadn’t even suspected how many delicious things could be
made from it. All he had ever known was the rough grain.
So, while being in the Light of Infinity,
we feel it only as a donkey does, chewing on the rough grain. Except for
the simple “grain” and “water,” we don’t desire anything else. We don’t
sense in the Light of Infinity all the delicacies that the Creator has prepared for us.
How then do we start desiring the Light
that fills Infinity and feel it in all its manifestations, through its
entire depth, with total clarity? We don’t have such a need. We must
create it within ourselves.
In order to build up a desire to smell the
sweetest pie instead of the rough grain, in order to sense Infinity
instead of the minimal Light of Nefesh de Nefesh while being in
the same state and the same Light, we need to cultivate desire. Desire
grows by way of concealment, when I am shown a little bit of the Light
and then it is concealed again, exposed and then concealed. This is
regarded as “flirting,” playing.
This is a very serious game since
concealment increases desire. This is how the Light is playing with us,
by exposing and concealing itself. This is why we withdraw from the
world of Infinity and become separated from it by numerous concealments,
until we end up in this world, in its total concealment.
All we need is desire. At the instant I do
get it, I will receive the precious “pie.” As soon as it grows some
more, I will be given an even bigger treat. With every new step, I need
to increase my desire, and the upper Light starts illuminating me in full force. My desire opens me for connecting with Him and allows Him to enter me.
The Creator created all of these states
from the start, but out of the whole of Infinity, you can feel only the
minimal Light of Nefesh right now. It’s because you don’t have a
desire of your own to wish specifically for it and to feel pain because
you are lacking it.
This desire has to be totally new, unlike
your instinctive desire. You receive it by forcing, overriding yourself
and struggling with your entire nature. When you start wanting the Light
this much, it will be an authentic desire. In other words, you need to
wish for bestowal!
At present, it seems to be something
totally silly, some strange bestowal and love. However, these are simply
familiar words that mean a new type of desire which doesn’t exist in us
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/4/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/4/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot
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