This other body is called the group. However, by “group,” I don’t mean my friends’ faces, the individuals that are more or less connected to one another. By group, I mean a new system, or not even a system, but rather a new desire which exists outside of me.
This is the most corrected desire that exists at the end of correction. This desire has no lack because the Creator exists within it and fulfills it entirely. This is a great and perfect desire with only one thing missing: my connection to it.
This is similar to a transplanted organ that has to be accepted by the new body and feel its different parts, then nullify itself before them and connect through the incoming and outgoing blood vessels. This is how a transplanted organ becomes more and more familiar with this system, connects to it, and starts functioning together with it. It understands that everything depends upon the extent to which it was able to integrate itself into the system to become an indivisible part and literally lose itself in it.
This is called reaching Malchut (Kingdom) of the World of Infinity, the last degree of correction. The extent to which I connect to this new desire (group) is called Shechina (Divinity, the presence of the Creator) that is where I reveal Him.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/10, Rabash “The Matter of Schechina”
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